

Herramientas breves para la detección de ansiedad y depresión en gestantes

Congreso Perinatalidad, Infancia y Salud 2023


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3.  Zuckerman B, Bauchner H, Parker S, Cabral H. Maternal depressive symptoms during pregnancy, and newborn irritability. J Dev Behav Pediatr JDBP. 1990 Aug;11(4):190–4.

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6.  Whooley MA. Screening for Depression–A Tale of Two Questions. JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Apr;176(4):436–8.

7.  Howard LM, Ryan EG, Trevillion K, Anderson F, Bick D, Bye A, et al. Accuracy of the Whooley questions and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in identifying depression and other mental disorders in early pregnancy. Br J Psychiatry. 2018 Jan;212(1):50–6.

8.  Garcia-Campayo J, Zamorano E, Ruiz MA, Pardo A, Perez-Paramo M, Lopez-Gomez V, et al. Cultural adaptation into Spanish of the generalized anxiety disorder-7 (GAD-7) scale as a screening tool. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2010;8(1):8.